Mini Dental Implants Are a Good Alternative

Mini Dental ImplantsMini dental implants are artificial tooth roots that we permanently place in your jaw to hold a replacement tooth, a bridge, or crown. They are an excellent option for anyone who has lost one or more teeth for and wants something smaller, lighter, and more comfortable than conventional removable dentures.

We place the implant, which usually consists of titanium, on the bone in the mouth. As the bone heals, it grows around and fuses with the post, which provides an extremely strong and stable foundation for the artificial tooth. The tooth may need between six to eight weeks for a healing period. Although the procedure is more complex than making a removable denture, the result is a permanent tooth that looks, feels, and functions just like natural teeth.

Conventional implants require a certain amount of bone in the jaw, which not everyone has. Loss of bone density not only becomes more of a problem as we age but can be a result of periodontal disease, osteoporosis, and other conditions. If you are one of those people who does not have sufficient bone in your jaw to support a conventional implant, mini dental implants may be the better solution. Mini dental implants make dental restorations possible for people who are not strong candidates for regular implants due to a lack of bone density in their jaw.

Mini dental implants work exactly the same way as their larger counterparts. Mini dental implants consist of titanium and involve the same implant methods as regular dental implants. What distinguishes them from traditional implants is size. Traditional implants measure anywhere from 3.5mm to 6mm in diameter, whereas mini dental implants are less than 3mm in diameter and can thus be used in much narrower bones. Mini dental implants also have several distinct advantages, including:

Being as Strong as Conventional Ones

As a matter of fact, mini dental implants may be slightly stronger than conventional ones simply because traditional implants have a hollow center that allows the abutment to be attached to it with a screw. Mini implants are solid.

Being Easier to Place With Less Discomfort to the Patient

Regular dental implants require several visits to the dentist and several weeks of recovery time, whereas placing mini dental implants is relatively simple and can often be completed in a single visit. Additionally, because placing a mini dental implant involves less drilling of bone and does not require any sutures, there is less post-operative discomfort and a reduced recovery time.

In a minimally invasive procedure, the titanium post is implanted into the jawbone under local anesthesia or light sedation. After which, the artificial tooth is attached to the head of the implant that protrudes from the gum.

Being Less Expensive

Mini dental implants are less expensive than traditionally sized ones. Not only is the titanium screw much smaller, but mini implants are made of all one piece. Conventional implants usually consist of two parts, the screw that is embedded in the bone and the abutment that protrudes out of the gum and holds the prosthetic tooth or bridge in place. It is a simple matter of mathematics. One smaller device is less expensive to manufacture than two larger ones.

Mini Dental Implants in Englewood

If you were told in the past that you are not a good candidate for conventional dental implants, it is very likely that you can now replace missing teeth with affordable mini dental implants. With reasonable precautions, mini dental implants are likely to last you the rest of your life.

Live in Englewood, NJ and have questions about mini dental implants? Give us a call at (201) 244-7658.

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